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Outside of CS, I like audio production and cooking good food."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/kevin.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Kevin"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hey! My name is Kevin and I'm a sophomore majoring in CSBA. I'm excited to have the opportunity to be a ULA since I enjoy helping others out. If you have any questions about coursework, need clarification on anything, or just want to chat, just let me know! A little fun fact about me is that I just learned how to roller skate and I fall like only once every time I skate."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hey! My name is Kevin and I'm a sophomore majoring in CSBA. I'm excited to have the opportunity to be a ULA since I enjoy helping others out. If you have any questions about coursework, need clarification on anything, or just want to chat, just let me know! A little fun fact about me is that I just learned how to roller skate and I fall like only once every time I skate."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/sazen.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Sazen"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi! My name is Sazen and I’m a sophomore computer science major. I wanted to become a ULA because ULA helped me so much my freshman year and I wanted to give back. A fun fact about me is that I love to play and watch sports so let me know what your favorite team is!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi! My name is Sazen and I’m a sophomore computer science major. I wanted to become a ULA because ULA helped me so much my freshman year and I wanted to give back. A fun fact about me is that I love to play and watch sports so let me know what your favorite team is!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/adil.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Adil"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi, my name is Adil and I’m a third year computer science major. I wanted to become a ULA because I enjoy helping people in my free time. Recently, I’ve been interested in rock climbing and calisthenics."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi, my name is Adil and I’m a third year computer science major. I wanted to become a ULA because I enjoy helping people in my free time. Recently, I’ve been interested in rock climbing and calisthenics."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/dhriti.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Dhriti"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi everyone! My name is Dhriti Veeramachaneni and I am a third year CSBA major. I joined ULA because I like tutoring and helping people and I enjoy our course material. A fun fact about me is that I enjoy reading books in my free time."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi everyone! My name is Dhriti Veeramachaneni and I am a third year CSBA major. I joined ULA because I like tutoring and helping people and I enjoy our course material. A fun fact about me is that I enjoy reading books in my free time."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/sachin.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Sachin"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi, I'm Sachin, a 3rd-year computer science major. I've got this cool gig as a ULA because I love asking questions myself, and I get excited when I meet others with a curiosity for computing. In my free time, I play guitar and do origami."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi, I'm Sachin, a 3rd-year computer science major. I've got this cool gig as a ULA because I love asking questions myself, and I get excited when I meet others with a curiosity for computing. In my free time, I play guitar and do origami."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/tiffany.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Tiffany"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hello! This is Tiffany, a junior CSBA major. ULA is a great place to learn computer science programming or algorithms. I am always eager to contribute to the learning community and am committed to assisting my peers in mastering the tech world."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hello! This is Tiffany, a junior CSBA major. ULA is a great place to learn computer science programming or algorithms. I am always eager to contribute to the learning community and am committed to assisting my peers in mastering the tech world."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/menthy.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Menthy"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Good morning! I'm Menthy, a third-year Computer Science major. I always enjoy helping others in my classes because I think it is not only beneficial for them but also a great opportunity for me to review the course content. If you need help, please don't hesitate to approach me. Also, if you just want to hang out, feel free to come to me. I love exploring different restaurants, and I'm also a big fan of One Piece. See you!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Good morning! I'm Menthy, a third-year Computer Science major. I always enjoy helping others in my classes because I think it is not only beneficial for them but also a great opportunity for me to review the course content. If you need help, please don't hesitate to approach me. Also, if you just want to hang out, feel free to come to me. I love exploring different restaurants, and I'm also a big fan of One Piece. See you!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/thomas.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Thomas"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi! I'm Thomas, a second year computer science major. I joined ULA to help others understand course material while practicing communication skills. I like baking bread and other pastries in my free time."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi! I'm Thomas, a second year computer science major. I joined ULA to help others understand course material while practicing communication skills. I like baking bread and other pastries in my free time."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/connor.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Connor"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hello, my name is Connor and I’m a third year computer engineering major! I wanted to become a ULA because I greatly enjoy talking about and explaining anything related to computer science and engineering in addition to wanting to meet new people in computer science at UCR! I love to talk about anything computer science related, music, and pets, especially dogs!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hello, my name is Connor and I’m a third year computer engineering major! I wanted to become a ULA because I greatly enjoy talking about and explaining anything related to computer science and engineering in addition to wanting to meet new people in computer science at UCR! I love to talk about anything computer science related, music, and pets, especially dogs!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/joel.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Joel"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hey! I'm Joel, a second-year CS major. I always loved teaching and helping others with homework so I got into ULA to do just that. I love sports, gym, reading, listening to & playing music, and videogames. Feel free to talk me and send me your favorite song!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hey! I'm Joel, a second-year CS major. I always loved teaching and helping others with homework so I got into ULA to do just that. I love sports, gym, reading, listening to & playing music, and videogames. Feel free to talk me and send me your favorite song!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/linda.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Linda"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hello, I'm Linda! I'm a junior computer science major and my goal as a ULA is to give back to my peers and make computer science feel less intimidating to others in similar positions as myself when I first began my studies. I love baking, arts and crafts, and showering my cat with love!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hello, I'm Linda! I'm a junior computer science major and my goal as a ULA is to give back to my peers and make computer science feel less intimidating to others in similar positions as myself when I first began my studies. I love baking, arts and crafts, and showering my cat with love!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/raffe.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Raffe"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hello y'all! My name is Raffe and I'm a third year computer science major. I joined ULA because I wanted to help students learn and enjoy the topics they are studying. I was also inspired by a previous ULA who taught me and many other students very well. Something I like to do is learn about how other people approach learning."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hello y'all! My name is Raffe and I'm a third year computer science major. I joined ULA because I wanted to help students learn and enjoy the topics they are studying. I was also inspired by a previous ULA who taught me and many other students very well. Something I like to do is learn about how other people approach learning."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/ramya.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Ramya"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi, my name is Ramya and I’m a second year CS major. I wanted to be a ULA because I enjoy tutoring and I want to do what ULA did for me. In my free time I love to spend time with my dog!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi, my name is Ramya and I’m a second year CS major. I wanted to be a ULA because I enjoy tutoring and I want to do what ULA did for me. In my free time I love to spend time with my dog!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/amshu.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Amshu"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"I am a second year computer science student. I wanted to become an ULA because I enjoy teaching other students and wanted to help others the same way other ULA’s have helped me in the past. In my free time I enjoy gardening, baking, and playing with my dog! Please let me know if u need more information."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"I am a second year computer science student. I wanted to become an ULA because I enjoy teaching other students and wanted to help others the same way other ULA’s have helped me in the past. In my free time I enjoy gardening, baking, and playing with my dog! Please let me know if u need more information."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/tingxuan.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Tingxuan"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi, hello! I'm Ting, a third-year Computer Science major. Excited to be a ULA because I love seeing and helping others succeed. Don't hesitate to come chat if you need help for your classes or just wanna talk about art, music, D&D, cooking—anything, really. Or to see pictures of my cat, totally valid. :]"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi, hello! I'm Ting, a third-year Computer Science major. Excited to be a ULA because I love seeing and helping others succeed. Don't hesitate to come chat if you need help for your classes or just wanna talk about art, music, D&D, cooking—anything, really. Or to see pictures of my cat, totally valid. :]"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/kevinL.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Kevin"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi everyone! My name is Kevin, and I am a second year computer science major. I love getting to meet others interested in computing, and love getting to talk with others about computer science! I love cats, baking, Hamilton, and getting to watch new TV Shows in my spare time!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi everyone! My name is Kevin, and I am a second year computer science major. I love getting to meet others interested in computing, and love getting to talk with others about computer science! I love cats, baking, Hamilton, and getting to watch new TV Shows in my spare time!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/mailyn.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Mailyn"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi everyone! My name is Mailyn and I'm a fourth year computer science major. I joined ULA because I really enjoy the program, and it always been really friendly and helpful to me when I came. I want to hopefully be able to do the same for other students. In my free time, I like to go to the gym and play the guitar!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi everyone! My name is Mailyn and I'm a fourth year computer science major. I joined ULA because I really enjoy the program, and it always been really friendly and helpful to me when I came. I want to hopefully be able to do the same for other students. In my free time, I like to go to the gym and play the guitar!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/athena.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Athena"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi, I'm Athena and I am a second-year computer science major. I became a ULA because I want to help others the same way others have helped me and so that I can learn how to better communicate with other people. In my free time, I love to draw/paint and read fantasy series."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi, I'm Athena and I am a second-year computer science major. I became a ULA because I want to help others the same way others have helped me and so that I can learn how to better communicate with other people. In my free time, I love to draw/paint and read fantasy series."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/natalie.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Natalie"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi, my name is Natalie! I'm a 3rd-year cs major. I have always enjoyed helping others in school whether I had taken the class or not and ULA is a great place for me to help more people . I like to listen to music, take naps, and hang out with friends whenever I have free time."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi, my name is Natalie! I'm a 3rd-year cs major. I have always enjoyed helping others in school whether I had taken the class or not and ULA is a great place for me to help more people . I like to listen to music, take naps, and hang out with friends whenever I have free time."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/aaryan.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Aaryan"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi, my name's Aaryan, and I'm a computer science major! I am passionate about computer science and enjoy video games. As a ULA, I strive to help others learn and grow in their understanding of technology and coding."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi, my name's Aaryan, and I'm a computer science major! I am passionate about computer science and enjoy video games. As a ULA, I strive to help others learn and grow in their understanding of technology and coding."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/sahana.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Sahana"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi! I'm Sahana, a second year computer science with business applications major! I joined ULA to be able to help a wider range of students in multiple classes. I love taking photos, crocheting, and reading :D Please feel free to reach out if you want have any questions or you just want to talk!"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi! I'm Sahana, a second year computer science with business applications major! I joined ULA to be able to help a wider range of students in multiple classes. I love taking photos, crocheting, and reading :D Please feel free to reach out if you want have any questions or you just want to talk!"}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/anthony.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Anthony"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hey everyone ! I'm Anthony Padilla (Yes like from Smosh), and I'm a 4th year CS major with a Minor in Math. As a ULA I want to do my absolute best in helping everyone and anyone become their best academic self, as I firmly believe hard work triumphs all. Other than School, I'm absolutley obsessed with JJK (ask me !), Rock-Climing, and I love going to concerts."}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hey everyone ! I'm Anthony Padilla (Yes like from Smosh), and I'm a 4th year CS major with a Minor in Math. As a ULA I want to do my absolute best in helping everyone and anyone become their best academic self, as I firmly believe hard work triumphs all. Other than School, I'm absolutley obsessed with JJK (ask me !), Rock-Climing, and I love going to concerts."}]]}]]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"flex flex-col md:flex-row md:justify-between mt-4 items-center","children":[["$","img",null,{"className":"w-1/2 md:w-2/12 aspect-square object-cover","src":"/angel.webp"}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-10/12 py-2 px-4 flex flex-col items-center md:items-start","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"px-3 py-2 bg-ula-blue w-fit text-white font-bold shadow-[5px_-5px_0px_0px_#FFB81C] text-xl","children":"Angel"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-left hidden md:block","children":"Hi! My name is Angel Franco I am a 3rd year Math major with a concentration in Computational Math. I became a ULA because I like to help. If you ever need help with CS010ABC I got you! If you like One Piece we can always talk about that too! (Just don't spoil because I don't read the Manga)"}],["$","p",null,{"className":"text-sm md:text-xl my-2 text-center md:hidden block","children":"Hi! My name is Angel Franco I am a 3rd year Math major with a concentration in Computational Math. I became a ULA because I like to help. If you ever need help with CS010ABC I got you! If you like One Piece we can always talk about that too! (Just don't spoil because I don't read the Manga)"}]]}]]}]]]}]]}],null],"segment":"__PAGE__"},"styles":[]}],"segment":"ulas"},"styles":[]}],["$","div",null,{"className":"w-full bg-ula-lightGray flex items-center justify-between mt-8","children":[["$","div",null,{"className":"flex items-center","children":["$","$La",null,{"href":"https://discord.com/invite/BUvwNdB6eH","target":"_blank","className":"hover:opacity-80 flex items-center no-underline text-ula-blue","children":[["$","svg",null,{"stroke":"currentColor","fill":"currentColor","strokeWidth":"0","viewBox":"0 0 640 512","className":"text-ula-blue text-4xl mx-2 my-3","children":["$undefined",[["$","path","0",{"d":"$b","children":"$undefined"}]]],"style":{"color":"$undefined"},"height":"1em","width":"1em","xmlns":"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"}],"Join Discord"]}]}],["$","img",null,{"src":"/bcoeLogo.webp","className":"w-1/5 mr-5"}]]}]]}]}],null] 9:null